

11 March 2003. Microsoft partners The Educator
After the successful launch at this year’s BETT show, Microsoft partners The Educator with an out-of-the-box e-learning tool based on Microsoft’s Class Server technology.

“Called the Curriculum Delivery Kit, it is aimed at enabling schools not only to get hooked up to content resources, but also to provide a facility for managing and manipulating lesson content, assessing pupils and tailoring projects to suit individual requirements. The CDK includes Class Server as well as The Educator, Windows XP, Office XP, and a laptop or tablet PC for the teacher. ICT consultancy, training and support are also included”.

righta.gif (117 bytes)full text of article Spring-03

pinbod.gif (173 bytes) 26 April 2001. Teachers in control?
The Educator has now launched an interactive discussion facility for the Staff Room. It will help all those visiting the virtual school to benefit from each other’s expertise.

“We want to simplify both the burden teachers have in assessing pupils, and also the normal internet style discussions. This is a place where teachers can learn from teachers and get the best results for their pupils. It makes The Educator site even more valuable for professionals in education”.

righta.gif (117 bytes)press release 26-4-01

pinbod.gif (173 bytes) 14 September 2000. Learning for teachers?
The Educator has now launched an interactive discussion facility for the Staff Room. It will help all those visiting the virtual school to benefit from each other’s expertise.

“We want to simplify the everyday educational tasks that teachers face, and also the way teachers can use the internet. This is the best place for teachers to learn from teachers and so get the best results for their pupils.”

righta.gif (117 bytes)press release 14-9-00

pinbod.gif (173 bytes) April 2000. BECTa, Teachers Online Article, April Newsletter

Find out how Broadclyst County Primary School in Devon has achieved exam results above the national average

“”We feel that having an individual education plan for each pupil has been key to our success. Every child has a target set in each of the core subjects. Every assessment is matched to the previous one and clearly indicates the learning gains which each child has made within each attainment area. We do all of this assessment work, planning, target setting and measurement on-line. To do this, we use The Educator site which has excellent on-line planning resources and is part of the National Grid for Learning,” he explains.

righta.gif (117 bytes)full text of article April-00

pinbod.gif (173 bytes) 23 March 2000. Guardian Educational Supplement

pinbod.gif (173 bytes) 13 March 2000. “Crossing the pay threshold”.

The Western Morning News published today an article on the Educator as a critical part of the way in which teachers will be able to qualify for a pay increase to take them beyond the maximum point on their pay scale.

“The Educator online assessment provides an accurate indication of a pupil’s capabilities within the core areas of the National Curriculum matching pupil performance to NC criteria

by having such essential analysis at hand the school and the teacher are able to respond directly to parents in a more informed way – yet another standard to be met.”

pinbod.gif (173 bytes) September 1999. PC Advisor Issue 48 article.

PC Advisor magazine published today a summary of the Educator features as used by one Devon school.

“The Educator provides a virtual classroom, designed by teachers to share resources with other teachers from all over the country”

pinbod.gif (173 bytes) 3 May 1999. The Electronic Classroom assistant.
The Educator is supported by a full training course and telephone help-line from the leading educational training provider Wessex Learning On-line.

“We intend to keep the service free to teachers, but also continue to expand and enhance the wealth of information services also included on The Educator site”.

pinbod.gif (173 bytes) 12 December 1998. “Everyone remembers a good teacher?”.
The Educator gets reviewed in the education magazine “GM Focus”.

“The Educator is all about taking the Internet from a spare time curiosity that something that becomes an indispensable tool for anyone involved in education”.

pinbod.gif (173 bytes) 2 September 1998. The Educator is launched.
The Educator is a new service for teachers. We’ve published this first edition of The Educator so that you can help make sure that it will be relevant to you.

It’s free, and we intend to always keep it that way. That’s because our intention is to fundamentally change the way in which paperwork demands so much of your time.

The first subject we’ve focussed on is the work that is needed to assess children. Lengthy and complex, we’ve simplified it so that a straightforward form results in neat graphical summaries of a child’s progress. We’ll keep anonymous data so that you can return to it, and use it as the baseline for later assessments. You can aggregate the statistics across the whole class.

Try it. Get there by clicking on the assessments button, and when you’ve used it let us know whether you think it is right for you.